Elektronizácia potvrdenia o dočasnej pracovnej neschopnosti je spoločný projekt NCZI a Sociálnej poisťovne, ktorý rieši náhradu 5-dielnych papierových tlačív dočasnej pracovnej neschopnosti od návštevy lekára až po vyplatenie náhrady príjmu zamestnávateľom a sociálnych dávok Sociálnou poisťovňou.
Eslužby týkajúce sa životnej situácie narodenia dieťaťa prinášajú zjednodušenie pre rodičov dieťaťa a tiež pre lekárov, elektronizácia hlásenia o narodení, zápis potvrdenia pre príspevok pri narodení dieťaťa prostredníctvom ezdravia a nahlásenie dohôd o poskytovaní všeobecnej zdravotnej starostlivosti novorodencom.
Connecting the System
Health records of patients are stored in the National Health Information System (eHealth System), therefore a secured approval of the patient, as well as of the health professional who creates or accesses the health records is important.
Patient´s Electronic Health Record
Patient´s Electronic Health Record is a health documentation of a patient in electronic form. On behalf of security and record protection the patient accesses his health book via his eID or electronic proof of residence via National Health Portal.
Electronic prescribing and dispending of medicines, medical devices or dietetic food contributes to effective and meaningfull treatment of a patient, and to promote its safety. It enables interaction check yet at prescribing, and at the same time avoids duplicities.
Creating an electronic record from the examination almost replaces the paper health record. The physician after/during the examination creates an electronic record, which is a part of eHealth System.
eBooking is a new functionality in frame of healthcare electronization. It enables patients to book a visit to a physician by means of internet during additional working hours (AWH) on exact date and time, or create a request to allocate a date during working hours, so called order for enrolment into a waiting list of the outpatient unit.
Patient Summary
A cluster of most important patient information thanks to which the health professional has rapid access to data on health status of the patient.
Eslužba, ktorá v rámci elektronizácie zdravotníctva umožňuje lekárovi zapísať očkovania pacienta elektronickou formou. Elektronický záznam z očkovania momentálne slúži ako jeden zo zdrojov informácií na vytvorenie Digitálneho COVID preukazu, ktorý je platný v rámci EÚ.
Moje ezdravie
The application Moje ezdravie enables the citizens to gain actual information on measures and regulations related to coronavirus disease. People gain all necessary information on a simple and tabular way without searching for them. They are always within reach.
The application eAlerts enables the health professional to gain overview on actual and future events in ehealth system. It mediates important messages and notifications on scheduled events. Health professional is informed on events in ehealth without searching for information. They are always within reach.
Creation of a record on result from a laboratory examination.
Comming in 2020.